Las inquietudes,<br>
una nueva forma de entender<br>
la odontología avanzada.
La pasión por convertir<br>
la tecnología <br>
y los avances médicos<br>
en un lugar común<br>
habitado por personas,<br>
las personas.
Es lo que hace<br>
que volar solo<br>
no es una opción.

Sannas Dental Clinic,
an interdisciplinary team of dentists in Pamplona

At Sannas we offer the best and most advanced services, always provided by expert professionals who will look after your oral health and solve any problems effectively and with the least possible discomfort for you, the patient.


The medical specialty of your smile


Personalized treatments at our dental clinic in Pamplona

A Sannas experience

We provide treatment for sleep apnoea, conscious sedation and painless anaesthesia, always seeking to make your treatment pleasant and satisfactory.

Trust in the best dentists
at our dental clinic in Pamplona

Make an appointment at our dental clinic in Pamplona
and you will know a different way of dental care.

More than 19.000 patients

We have more than 30 years of experience in dental science sector and treated more than 19.000 patients

Certificated quality

Quality clinic and services certificated according to UNE 179001 by AENOR

Navarre Health Dpt Administration

Certificated as a specialized health center by the Navarre Health Department Administration

Authorized training center

Chosen by the general board of dentists, as one of the 9 authorized centers for teaching oral implantology in Spain

Dental prosthetic laboratory

We own a Dental Prosthetic Laboratory that allows us to carry on an exhaustive quality and reliability control of all the different pieces we work with

Subtraction to elderly and families

Our clinic takes care of elderly people and large families offering them a 7% of discount in all their treatments

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